Sunday, January 11, 2009

Being patient or being hopeful?

We often hear all along our lives that we need to be patient: be patient, you'll get older; be patient, you'll be independent; be patient, you'll get where you want to be. It is human nature to want it all, and right now. But over the years we learn to be patient, we learn to wait and take things slower than we would like to.

By demonstrating patience do we also agree to consider ourselves hopeful? Would it be worth it to be patient if we thought the outcome won't be the one we're expecting?

As a small business owner in this new economy, I'm going through times of struggles. My choices are to stop hoping that the economy will get better or to be hopeful, patient and work the hardest and the best I can until better times come. As a friend or a girlfriend, I'm going through times of tension; should I just give up on the people around me or should I be patient, communicative, and give even more time and attention.

Being patient is being hopeful but it's not sitting and waiting. It's working towards the goals we believe in and trust ourselves in our ability to reach them.

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